Om, please

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Gambling Addiction – How to Spot the First Red Flags

Gambling is a part of many people’s lives—for some, it is just a form of entertainment, and for others, it can turn into a dangerous addiction. Not everyone who gambles develops a dependency, but the risk is real. Gambling addiction affects not only the individual but also their loved ones, leading to financial, emotional, and […]

Limerence – True Love or Self-Deception?

Distinguishing between true love and illusion is challenging when emotions run high, blinding us with their intensity. The line between deep feelings and obsession is often thin and blurred. Signs of True Love Respect and effort – True love is not always mutual, but when it is, it is marked by respect for each other’s […]

Shadow Work (Dealing with Self-Rejection)

Shadow work in psychotherapy is the process of integrating suppressed, rejected, or unexplored aspects of one’s personality. This approach, inspired by Jungian psychology, aims to bring awareness and acceptance to these parts, leading to a more holistic and authentic self-acceptance. Working with the shadow involves balancing the conscious and unconscious mind. The dark sides usually […]

Emotional Intelligence – A Path to Personal Development

If our ancestors, the hunter-gatherers, needed to be quick and agile for survival, today the ability to understand not only our own emotions but also those of others has become one of the key factors for success and well-being. This ability, known as emotional intelligence (EI), is much more than just a skill to manage […]

How to Recognize Passive-Aggressive Behavior?

What Does It Mean to Be Passive-Aggressive? Passive-aggressive behavior is characterized by the indirect expression of anger and aggression instead of addressing them directly. This can include sarcastic attitudes, projecting blame, silent treatment, subtle hostility through hints, and more. Passive-aggressive behavior is difficult to recognize because the person exhibiting it denies (possibly even to themselves) […]

The Inner Child: Healing from Within

When we exhibit immaturity, we often justify it with “the child in us,” probably hoping everything will be forgiven, just as we forgive children. Children always rush to grow up to taste the freedom of making decisions. Still, once they don the adult’s suit, they realize that the size of the body outpaces the readiness […]

10 Proven Strategies to Strengthen the Parent-Teen Relationship

As the parent of a teenager, you may find it challenging to connect with your child at times. Adolescents are going through significant changes, both physically and emotionally, and this can lead to tension and misunderstandings in the parent-teen relationship. However, by practicing effective communication strategies, you can deepen your connection with your teenager and […]

Healing from CPTSD: Building Resilience and Empowerment

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a severe form of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) that can occur after exposure to prolonged, repeated trauma, such as abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Healing from CPTSD can last a lifetime but is manageable. The disorder profoundly affects individuals, altering their own perceptions of themselves and the world around them, […]

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